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Question downloads ever "disappear"? - Printable Version

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Question downloads ever "disappear"? - 714 - 06-02-2014 10:35 PM

I know this is a very paranoid question, but I'd rather ask a stupid question and get a straight answer from a computer technician or someone who's had years of experience using computers rather than to keep wondering "what if."

So, is it possible for a download to ever "disappear." The reason why I'm asking this is because youtube keeps notifying me that they're going to stop supporting Safari (the web browser I use) and that I should upgrade to a more update browser. I use youtube to download a lot of videos. So I'm just curious if this is possible. Can downloads ever "disappear" or is it possible for my video downloads to not function properly in the future now that youtube has stopped supporting Safari. Again, I realize how paranoid this question. Have a good laugh, but answer with complete honesty.

- Jacob - 06-02-2014 10:44 PM

jump off a cliff. do us all a favour. Ok??

- Chris - 06-02-2014 10:56 PM

It depends on how exactly you're downloading youtube videos. Are you using a website like Or some app?
(Just so we aren't talking past each other, by downloading you mean save a youtube video as file on your computer, so you can watch it even without internet access, correct?)

But regardless of what exactly you mean, why even worry? Just switch to Chrome or Firefox and this shouldn't be an issue any longer.

- Windowphobe - 06-02-2014 11:01 PM

As far as YouTube is concerned, downloads aren't *supposed* to work, so it's no skin off their corporate nose if Safari (which is no longer being updated for Windows, either) goes down the tube.

If you must, test. Disconnect your Internet connection and try to play back one of the downloaded files using something other than a Web browser. If it plays correctly, you may assume that it will continue to do so.