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Which website name should I choose? - Printable Version

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Which website name should I choose? - Taylor - 06-03-2014 01:59 AM

I have two options for my photography website name. one is (my name).com or the other is (my name) Whichshould I choose?

- Arnell - 06-03-2014 02:09 AM

the one with your name and photography

- uber - 06-03-2014 02:16 AM

2nd one since it shows the purpose, the 1st one sounds like it would be a personal website about you and family.

- hastingsgames - 06-03-2014 02:26 AM

You can drive people to either site so there isn't really a wrong answer, but I would choose (myname).com and then title it (My Name) Photography for once they get there. Less for people having to type in the url is better. That's why you don't see for example. In fact it's and I would pick something shorter or abbreviated like that except it's not one of the two choices Wink

- Jazz - 06-03-2014 02:28 AM

Get both and use the one with photography in the name.

Its good to have But having keywords in the domain name helps with Google and other search engines. Also you could 301 redirect to