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Ronald Reagan issued more executive orders by far than Obama has. So if Cons are fair: Was Reagan A dictator? - Printable Version

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Ronald Reagan issued more executive orders by far than Obama has. So if Cons are fair: Was Reagan A dictator? - 084 - 06-03-2014 02:16 AM

- Big Sean - 06-03-2014 02:28 AM

It's all about the content of those executive orders. Certain decisions can't be made with out congressional approval, that's where the issue is!

- Kojak - 06-03-2014 02:35 AM

FIRST No president is a "patron saint" much less Ronald Reagan... he got us into an unnecessary war....he doubled the size of the federal government .... he suborned the secret violation of federal laws.... Saint....he is not even a good role model....just likeable
SECOND His executive order is not the issue ....the issue is the INCREASE in rent.... if he in fact had issue more orders than President Obama.... SO WHAT.... it is not the "number" but the type that is the issue.... Presidential orders can not conflict with Congressional authority.... or arbitrarily change laws passed by Congress.... laws are modified and amended by Congressional vote....NOT BY EXECUTIVE ORDER....the executive branch EXECUTES not legislates....
FINALLY How is "fairness" even a factor.... Bill Clinton sexually harassed and committed adultery in the White house... given a free pass.... Congressman Packwood pats his secretary on the butt and is fired....Congressman Ensign commits adultery and is fired..... Congressman Frank has his town house turned into a gay whore pass..... Congressman Ted Kennedy is guilty ...AT A MINIMUM of negligent homicide.... never even gets censored..... where do you come off screaming "fairness"

- Robert - 06-03-2014 02:46 AM

Can't you get it through your thick skull that it is NOT the NUMBER of executive orders that matters. It is that he is issuing executive orders in cases which are ILLEGAL!!!! Every other president has quoted the authority that gave him to make the executive order - Barack Obama has not. Example - he made Recess Appointments when Congress was NOT in recess. The president does NOT have the authority to decide when Congress is in recess.

- jackshysterical - 06-03-2014 02:53 AM

What's a "Cons are fair?"

- Zhu Bajie - 06-03-2014 03:07 AM

In a general way, Cons like authoritarian leaders. They are largely authoritarian personalities.

- Not An Obama Fan! - 06-03-2014 03:18 AM

It is not about how many. But what the orders are all about.
You might want to be more careful with your rants.