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Google statistics, PPC or Organic? - Printable Version

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Google statistics, PPC or Organic? - David D - 06-03-2014 04:32 AM

Does any body know where on google people are most likely to click, on a PPC ad or a organic ad, people selling SEO tell me "statistically, people are much more likely to click on a organic ad, and people trying to sell PPC on google will say "statistically, people are much more likely to click on the sponsored ads" does any body know who is correct, I am not interested in where you personally would click, I am only interested in knowing broadly what the statistics say

Thanks in-advance

- organicfan - 06-03-2014 04:43 AM

Three out of four people click organic search results. This is why SEO is so important. If you want to get massive clicks, then brush up on your SEO skills. If you don't know good SEO, then you don't know what you are missing.

link here:

Once you know good SEO, the sky is the limit! (and it won't run your pockets dry like ppc, although if you know what you are doing with ppc you can get results.)