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What are the latest SEO tools ? - Printable Version

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What are the latest SEO tools ? - 622 - 06-03-2014 11:32 AM

What are the latest tools of SEO which helps in SEO works ?


- praveensms - 06-03-2014 11:42 AM

Search engine webmasters( GOogle, yahoo , Bing)
Google keyword tool
Google sktool
Google trends
Google Analytics
Google Insights
yahoo site explorer

- Yuna D - 06-03-2014 11:52 AM

For tools, It think it's still the same: Adwords, Analytics, Webmaster Tools, etc. But for technique, there is a new update. the Google stars for bookmarking. Like according to Matt Cutts' blog: once you star something, it shows up above the search results.

- John M - 06-03-2014 11:58 AM

Ignore the comment about stars on the results, this mearly means that you are telling Google that you want that result to show higher in YOUR results next time you search for the same phrase (a bit like bookmarking a result). It does not help the site feature better in other peoples results.

- Dotcom - 06-03-2014 12:02 PM

checkout this

- Claire 012 - 06-03-2014 12:08 PM

The best SEO method would be undoubtly article marketing combined with video marketing with the correct usage of keywords. This creates a lot of backlinks, thus gets ranked higher on all search engines.

- Jack - 06-03-2014 12:09 PM

I use the following SEO tools on a regular basis:

1) LotusJump - To build relevant back-links and to check the on-page keyword site elements
2) Google Keyword Tool - To check search volumes for certain keywords and develop strategies
3) Rank Checker Plugin - To see how well my chosen keywords are ranking
4) Google Analytics - To check incoming traffic and learn of new potential keywords to target
5) Yahoo Site Explorer - To check back-links and do competitive research