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Go Daddy website builder vs Wordpress? - Printable Version

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Go Daddy website builder vs Wordpress? - Mango Lassi - 06-03-2014 05:53 PM

I'm going to build a simple 2 page website. I've already bought a year's hosting with godaddy. Should I use their website builder service or build a Wordpress page and import it to my website?

- Neil - 06-03-2014 05:54 PM

There's a lot more flexibility with Wordpress.

You don't build a "Wordpress page" and import it. You install the Wordpress script on your site, add a theme(thousands available both free and paid) and then add various plugins for backups, seo, security, email capture,social marketing and even e-commerce etc. Most plugins are free but some good one there could be a price.

Within Wordpress there are both pages and posts so it would be an advantage if you grab an ebook or video series (just google for them-many are free) to understand Wordpress.

- Jim S - 06-03-2014 05:58 PM

A "simple 2 page website" does not need WordPress - but a 10 page website would probably benefit from WordPress amenities and features. It's a question of "what is on those two pages".

It's really like having to go to the grocery store. Two blocks away and you can walk, or use a bicycle. Ten blocks away, those two options aren't nearly as attractive. But if you have to bring home 12 bags of groceries, that bicycle is completely the wrong choice, regardless of the distance.

You should decide what features you need to make available to your intended audience. If it isn't a whole lot, you can avoid WordPress.

- Jake - 06-03-2014 06:03 PM

If it's going to be a relatively static site, it would probably load a bit faster using the builder instead of wordpress, which due to assembling pages on the fly and relying heavily on a database server tends to load slower on the typical shared server.

Some 17% of the top 1 Million sites are wordpress based, so it certainly can be made to work.

- David - 06-03-2014 06:08 PM

Wordpress websites get hacked a lot and it can be very hard to customize (you can just use a theme, but then your website is like a bunch of other websites). The godaddy website builder has very little features. I use ultimatewb - it is flexible, customizable, lots of features, even a seo tool for search engine ranking. You can use it on your godaddy web hosting too. You can compare all three website builders here:

- Justin - 06-03-2014 06:14 PM

GoDaddy's Web Builder might be easier to use but you will get a lot more options with WordPress!

WordPress has so many themes and plugins.... really great stuff!

I really recommend building your own site... but if you would ever need someone else to build yours send me a email instantprimewebdesign (At)

Hope this helps!

- Charlie - 06-03-2014 06:19 PM

I'd like to recommend you to choose WordPress.
You can choose a suitable WordPress Theme to design your website with ease.
Just take a look at the one I use which is totally free and responsive.
here is the preview link for you, Just have a look, I think it would be nice for a simple website design.