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Questions about SEO and Google AdWords? - Printable Version

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Questions about SEO and Google AdWords? - 840 - 06-03-2014 09:38 PM

I am doing an internship dealing with SEO and Google AdWords and my employer doesn't seem to know how to answer some questions so I figured I would try here.

1) When you are link building, does it really make sense to guest post multiple times on one website that has "high authority" or does it make a lot more sense to try to make a single connection to many high authority websites to improve your search results?

2) Whenever you do Google Adwords Keyword research, sometimes when you type a specific string of text in to search, you will see the exact same string of text, only the CPC is higher/lower and the volume of searches is higher/lower...usually not DRASTICALLY, but still different. Is there a reason for that?

- 729 - 06-03-2014 09:47 PM

1) It's best to have a couple of links on multiple high authority sites.

2) Specific string of text is exactly what it describes; how many people search that specific string of text. Under broad search, it searches for the amount of searches that are related to that string.

- Gaurav - 06-03-2014 09:50 PM

Google has certainly emerged as the search engine of choice in the past five years or so. Its market share is much higher than search engines like Bing and Yahoo! and some websites that were previously used for search, like, have been forced to go in different directions entirely to stay relevant. While AOL still offers a search component, it’s become more of a news source. It’s not surprising. Google has become the king of search. Of course, there always seems to be a conspiracy theory or two surrounding “royalty”. One such conspiracy theory surrounding Google is whether or not there is a correlation between purchasing Google AdWords and ranking well in the search engine.
It’s important to note that the correlation between the rank of your website and running Google AdWords is different from the correlation between the organic success of your website and running Google AdWords. The combination of a PPC campaign and an organic campaign can legitimize your website in the eyes of a website user. Essentially your website is showing up on the search engine results page twice when they type in a query, once organically and once in the sponsored section. To many users, this emphasizes that your website is relevant to what they are looking for and they are more likely to click on it.

- farhat - 06-03-2014 10:04 PM

Search Engine Optimization Tools | Softwares | Tutorial

- Parker Garlitz - 06-03-2014 10:07 PM

When link building keep a few things in mind:

Focus on getting links from sites you would want to link to you if search engines didn't exist. In other words, link building drives traffic directly but also has the potential to give a lift in search results. Would you waste your time trying to get a link from a low quality, non-relevant site if search engines didn't exist? Search engines are smart enough to know the difference between good links and junk links. bad links can actually hurt you in search (since the penguin algorithm update in april).

One great link can be worth thousands of low quality links.

Regarding your question, a second and third link from the same domain pass progressively less and less authority to your site. Given limited time to build links, you are better off getting 1 link from 2 domains, than 2 links from one domain.

Regarding the adwords keyword tool: I have been doing google adwords for over 10 years. In my experience google's estimated CPC in the adwords keyword tool rarely has any relation to actual CPCs. I ignore the CPC estimates