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WHY AM I SO JEALOUS AND OBSESSED!? HELP>:(? - Kandii - 11-09-2012 08:21 AM

OKAY take a look at this girl-

so that girl used to go to my school and she has like 4000 friends on Facebook and her pictures get hundreds of likes. she is a really nice girl and always talks to everyone so everyone loves her blah blah blah. My friends will bring her up every now and then and say how pretty and sweet she is and I will say things like "she's average" "she's a bitch" or I will try to point out flaws. recently her and her bf broke up so now all of my guy friends are jumping at her. And as much as I act like I hate her I always look at her pictures and wish that I could look like her. I am just so jealous! how do I stop this jealousy/hate towards her!?!?

- Micheal - 11-09-2012 08:29 AM

Dude she's not worth it. Who cares

- Nina - 11-09-2012 08:29 AM

This is totally normal.. She's nice, she's pretty, you want to be like her. But if you don't have any reason to hate her, you really shouldn't.
Try to think from her perspective.
Don't blame your friends and guy friends for liking her or finding her sweet.
She IS pretty.
Jealousy happens. There's always that one girl that you think is prettier than you, just remember you're pretty too.

- Omar - 11-09-2012 08:29 AM

stop comparing urself to her cuz every1 is unique and try to see the good things that u have in life instead of wanting what others have .

- daaznfob14 - 11-09-2012 08:29 AM

4000 friends? who cares, if my facebook friends go over 300 I start deleting people, yea she's pretty, but there are plenty of pretty girls around, feel more confident about yourself and get over it, stop being so superficial

- lady - 11-09-2012 08:29 AM

Honest answer: She is pretty, angelic looking and she seems nice. I don't doubt that she has a ton of friends and definitely has a ton of perks from a lot people. Boys will fall head over heals for her and she won't be single for very long. I don't blame you for being jealous - she's got everything you wish you could have. You know deep down her life will be easy. But let's take your argument apart shall we:

She's got 4000 Facebook friends. Really? Good for her. Here's what's bothering you about this: she gets a ton of attention. When something good happens 4000- friends will yay for her, when something bad happens 4000 friends will feel for her and try to comfort her. Ask yourself this: How many of those 4000 friends does she really know? I have a hard time keeping track of 10 people, much less 4000. I don't know about you but I am uncomfortable having hundreds of acquaintances knowing my business.

Your friends constantly bring her up. Could it be that they're jealous too? Perhaps they admire her, but why bring someone up like that obsessively. And to say the same thing about her too like a broken record. Apparently no one knows what else to say about her other than that.

She's pretty and you want to look like her. I'd like to look like her, too! But here's the thing, not everyone really digs that. There are men out there who dig a different type of girl. Like a girl who has intelligence, same religious and political beliefs, values and talent. She might be some of those things, but she can't be everything.

I understand you being jealous - it's natural. However, that will wear off.