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How long does one person to take for learning of SEO? - Printable Version

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How long does one person to take for learning of SEO? - cattigerpanda - 06-04-2014 12:18 AM

People say it's not too difficult to learn SEO. So I wish to know in general how long it might take for one person to learn it? Say, one year? or more with no computer knowledge background?

- imisidro - 06-04-2014 12:27 AM

It really depends on how intent and focused you are in learning it. I know of folks who have gained massive knowledge in SEO in just 2 months by making sure that they read and understand key sources of information on SEO such as:

1. Webmaster guidelines of the search engines

2. Press rooms and announcements of the search engines

- Google Press Releases
- Yahoo! Press Room
- Microsoft Press Room

3. Key blogs on SEO such as Matt Cutts Blog

4. Forums where SEOs gather to discuss, share insights and learn from each other

- DigitalPoint's Yahoo Forums (
- SearchEngineWatch's MSN Forums

5. Attendance in important SEO conferences attended and organized by the key players in the search engine optimization field such as

- Search Engine Strategies
- Brett Tabke's Webmasterworld Pubcon
- Danny Sullivan's

Books and ebooks can give you some of the basics of SEO, but often changes have already been made in the algorithms before the book is published making the book or ebook a little outdated at best. Forums are the best way to learn of the current trends in SEO because every single hiccups of the search engines are dissected in the forums

- CanIBeRich.Net - 06-04-2014 12:32 AM

I really don't have anything else to say about this topic, - just do some rersearch, the links above are greatWink

Take care


- Alex D - 06-04-2014 12:45 AM

This is a great program to learn SEO. It's not free but well worth the price to have all the information in one nicely put together package.


- vicseo - 06-04-2014 12:51 AM

The length of time it takes to become knowledgeable in SEO is not that important. It is amazing how many so-called SEOs believe that there are actual resources on the Internet as well as from various books and forums that entitle the reader/attendee to become proficient SEO specialists. And the search engines themselves do not want to release any important inside information about how they search algorithms work (i.e., Page Rank of even at the company sponsored seminars. Therefore, there exists many "secrets" which when collected over the years gives a minority of SEOs a special advantage and these SEOs can garner any price from clients who expect and demand high search engine rankings of their websites. Yes, there's a special and very secret formula that can be activated with proper web design, placement of critical metatags, choice of host provider and timing which in the long run, achieves the goal of high search engine placement of major websites.

Currently, there are no certified SEO courses which really produce competent SEO graduates. In another sense, you have to be invited into a secret society of "know-it-all" SEO specialists.

Even though I have not been invited into this "inner" circle, I can currently claim any number of websites which are within the TOP 10 ranking at and in many instances, within the TOP 5 ranking at And these high rankings were not achieved by devious or spamdexing techniques which involves submissions of often changing keyword entries using specialized software programs.

Good Luck!

- seo4china - 06-04-2014 01:04 AM

Get webceo, they have a course with it, it should give you the basics. Some of the information may be outdated, but it is a good beginning. Once you master the basics and understand the concept you can get updated by reading news and participating in seo forums. SEO is an ongoing learning process, and that would be so long as Google keeps its algorithm secret.
Hope that helped.
HK-based SEO Specialist

- Whats my Name - 06-04-2014 01:16 AM

Here are the tools in my seo arsenol

Link Building

Directory Submissions

Article Distribution

SEO Employment Sites
Where people can buy and sell SEO Services

Full Time Webmaster Message Boards

Affiliate Programs Monetization