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Is this a proplem in gender studies for anyone else? - Printable Version

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Is this a proplem in gender studies for anyone else? - 569 - 06-04-2014 01:44 AM

I would like to answer questions. The second page will not load up. Ever. So I only have a choice of 20 questions to answer. Not much fun in that.

Is this a problem for anyone else? I have Firefox for a browser. Could that be it?

- oikoσ - 06-04-2014 01:45 AM

It's not just GS. I have the problem with lots of forums and I use Google Chrome. I was wondering whether it could be that I still use Windows XP.

- Ya Coffee - 06-04-2014 02:00 AM

I don't have this particular problems but have other problems that others don't seem to have - Y!A is a mess right now - the software is full of bugs and doing things like not letting me choose best answer for the last answer - although it did let me do it once - go figure - I expect they are working on the bugs. I think all we can do is be patient.

- Mabe - 06-04-2014 02:10 AM

It's being jammed. For whatever the reason is causing it, is a malfunction of some sort, not staying with the original purpose of the site, and maintaining that, rather than it seems to be constant changing of it, had me leave it easily these last few days, and go elsewhere. I've had problems with it scrolling and leaving me no way of answering questions. I was just back on checking if it works again, and obviously it has, so on the page of questions I have, it seems fixed again now.