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this girl gave me her fb password outta madness,cause i dont trust her,y?she has a bf? - Printable Version

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this girl gave me her fb password outta madness,cause i dont trust her,y?she has a bf? - 397 - 06-04-2014 02:31 AM

when we started talking,she gave me her fb password,i didnt ask her,,she just gave it to me,and she trusted me,so i saw a few things,and approached her,but i assumed wrong,so about 4 moths later,i asked her for her password,and she told me,shes not gonna give it to me,because if i really love her,and trust her,i wouldnt be asking to see if shes messing with someone i gave her my fb passwrd,and she told me twice,that she dosent want it,she told me,she wanna go on with us having trust,she wants me to buid a trust and love like we havnet the 2nd months,shes been kinda laggy and laid back,and i seee her on fb chtting a lot,without me there,she hasnt sent me pictures sense the 2nd months,she use to text me everyday,and use to be always talking to me,but everytime,i tell her,about it,she gets mad,and says,i love you,but this is getting old,if u dont trust me,lets just shut it down cause we are not getting far. but what do u people think???oh yeah,and jsut in case someone wanna say shes right,shes has a bf already,but she gave it to me again,cause she got tired of me asing her,she told me have fun snooping around,so ididnt look,yes,she likes me,but she has a bf,and she told me she had a bf from the beginning,and she told me,if she was really unfaithful,she wouldnt have told me she has a bf inn the first place,but she wants to be with me in the future.does tht make any sense??really? now she really likes me,but she gets mad,when i ask her about trust,n checkin to make sure im not behind her bf,with this cheating

- Satan Claws - 06-04-2014 02:37 AM

Read number 4 paragraphs 8 and 9.
Basically what Fecesbook is saying is that she's responsible for her own security, and that FB has no responsibility whatsoever from the misuse of the account.

Giving the password to someone else isn't a sign of trust, IT'S A SIGN OF STUPIDITY. Anyone sharing their password with other people is an IDIOT. One person, one account. If you want to share an account with someone else, create a new account for that purpose.