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I bought a phone in australia and am now using it in ireland. the mobile data is set for australia's servers? - Printable Version

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I bought a phone in australia and am now using it in ireland. the mobile data is set for australia's servers? - 218 - 06-04-2014 04:27 AM

It is really slow loading the internet on mobile data. Anyone know how to change it to Irelands settings?

- Ree 9 - 06-04-2014 04:32 AM

Take it to a MOBILE shop and ask them for advice or call/email the company in Ireland. Maybe it need the 'BAR' taken off or what ever it is called.

I have a Nokia from UAE that didn't work in England till I took it to a dealer who removed the bars. But I don't use that phone as it is to easy to make calls when it is in your pocket without realising it.

- Paulo - 06-04-2014 04:33 AM

Is the phone locked to particular network?
Try a three network shop as they also have three network in Australia, in fact they have three networks in 7 countries and as far I know (but better if you 1st check) I think you can use your national data allowances while roaming in any other of those 7 countries where three is present, so I suspect they should be able to help you, in fact if you buy a three sim in Ireland and top it up with 20 euros you will get unlimited broadband for 30 days + you still have the 20 euros left to use for something else.
If you already using a three sim from Australia then is quite possible the internet traffic is being routed all the way to Australia and back, making the internet connection quite slow, check your ping to see what is going on.

If is a signal issue, while I don't recall the name there is an android app out there which can help you manually temporarily change the type of connectivity, e.g GSM/3G/4G/etc

Good Luck!