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Is it better to ask a girl if she had a BF or find out through FB? - Printable Version

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Is it better to ask a girl if she had a BF or find out through FB? - Drobin - 06-04-2014 06:00 AM

It seems like a dead giveaway to having interest in her by asking. Is it ok to show that interest or wait until you have her as a FB friend?

- LC<3 - 06-04-2014 06:10 AM

its fine to show interest, but u could also add her to find out a bit more about her before u say anything

- Jonathan - 06-04-2014 06:21 AM

It's just better to ask her, honestly. It doesn't necessarily mean you have intentions: just means you want to know, and if you two are good enough friends she'll let you know.

But first thing's first, get to know her more. Be her friend and be comfortable being around her Smile

- $tAcY<3 - 06-04-2014 06:22 AM

showing that your interested is always good. ESPECIALLY if she seems into you. girls love to be flattered.

- &payton; - 06-04-2014 06:37 AM

you should maybe ask her just because a lot of the time people have weird relationships on facebook. like, my brother has a gf but he doesnt have it listed on fb. and i have a friend who has a bf, but her fb says she is "married" to one of her friends who is a girl. you might want to just hear the facts from her. but, if you dont want her to know you are interested, you could try to approach the subject casually so she doesnt catch on.