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How to download chrome os for my pc? - Printable Version

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How to download chrome os for my pc? - 698 - 06-04-2014 06:20 AM

- WayneH - 06-04-2014 06:24 AM

Chrome for a PC is not an OS, it's a web browser. Google it.

- HonestCanadian - 06-04-2014 06:27 AM

Ignore the above post, Google does have an operating system for their 'Chrome Book' laptops. It is called chromium.

It is actually an incredibly hard thing to do. The best source I have heard of is:
That said I have only ever run it on a VM and never as my PC's boot option.

Cheers and Good Luck

- ELfaGeek - 06-04-2014 06:43 AM

The chromium OS from Hexxeh is the open source version of Google's Chrome OS.

And, I have it running happily on My MacBook Pro, under Oracle's free Virtual Box, but it has a long way to go before it can replace (or Dual-boot with) Windows.

Just do a Google Search for: Chromium OS Hexxeh