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Running a Hamachi Minecraft Bukkit Server Without Internet Connection? - Printable Version

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Running a Hamachi Minecraft Bukkit Server Without Internet Connection? - 468 - 06-04-2014 06:44 AM

Ok, I need to know how to run a Hamachi Bukkit server without an internet connection. I tried running it in offline mode but Hamachi clearly wouldn't log in because of no net connection. I don't know if there is an offline mode for Hamachi or not, so any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
But surely there is a work around? Like a virtual connection or something?

- Brianna - 06-04-2014 06:59 AM

You can't run a server without an internet connection unfortunately.

- R P - 06-04-2014 07:01 AM

What would be the point in using hamatchi for people to connect when they wouldn't be able to connect because you aren't connected to the internet?