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Re-adding countless FB friends which were deleted long ago? - Printable Version

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Re-adding countless FB friends which were deleted long ago? - 665 - 06-04-2014 11:29 AM

A long time ago, likely 2010, I removed a great deal of FB friends. I was different then - angst, depressed and for some reason, saw it as a good idea to remove anyone who didn't directly affect my life or people I didn't particularly like from my list. I've grown up a lot since then, matured alot and realise the errors of my ways. I'd like to re-add everybody but I fear that some may resent me, reject me and possibly even attack me upon re-addition.

I went from about 250 friends to about 60!

Most of them probably wouldn't even notice I deleted them in the first place, despite all these years. I was never a popular guy, I am quiet. They probably never even look at my profile to realise I ever deleted them in the first place, but I'm sure there must be one or two who DID notice.

So my question is, how do I go about this?

Will they resent me? Will they not give a damn? Will they have forgotten and just accept me as if it's nothing?

What do you think? Should I just forget about it, cut my loses and move on or take the risk?

Cheers all.

- Scott - 06-04-2014 11:38 AM

you know how it works, right? - you can only ASK someone to be your fb friend - the other person has ACCEPT you - what's the harm? - depression tend to drive you to isolate from friends - it comes with the territory - if they truly are friends, they'll understand - if they don't understand, were they really true friends?