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Are these people racist or too naive? - Printable Version

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Are these people racist or too naive? - Vicky - 06-04-2014 08:25 PM

I'm from India, I'm sure you all remember the delhi rape case in 2012 december, a 23 year old was brutally raped. After this was shown in the media there were protests by thousands of men and women from all over the country. This was in the international news and the people from all over the world came to know about this case. I have two questions, first one is would this be on international news if there weren't mass protests by the people. Secondly why are people across the world( mostly USA) generalizing Indian men as rapists and that all women are treated badly?...Go to youtube, facebook or anyother social media and see the comments made by people on this issue, why are they forgetting that people are protesting for the rape of this innocent young lady, if Indians had no respect at all for women would they come to the streets and protest? Instead of respecting Indians for all these protests they call us rapists. And why don't we see these kind of protests all over the world? Do you think it happens only in India, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the country with the highest number of rapes every year( I could not believe it either, google it) please don't think that I hate US, but why are people so naive there? Don't they show these cases on media there, I've seen people comments like "I feel lucky to have been born in US, I feel so safe". Why is this, they are so angry for what happened in other country but they're ignoring what's happening their own country.

- Random Name - 06-04-2014 08:37 PM

I'm indian too from the US, but you shouldn't generalize all Americans as ignorant, stupid, and racist. Because we have the most rapes and well aware of it. I guess the only thing is if someone got raped in the US, people will do something about it whereas in india, people have to fight to get some kind of action going. Doesn't make it any more safe here, but not everyone thinks that way

- Hyo - 06-04-2014 08:51 PM

These people are definitely either naive or trolling. They are probably naive though.
I know how bad the rape cases are here in America. I live in one of the most dangerous cities in my state.
This is coming from an American: I don't mind that you think that people in America are naive. Trust me, a lot of us are, and I'm not the brightest person in the world. But we aren't all ignorant and racist and such. Please just ignore these people. There are over 300 million people in the US and how many comments are you looking at? I know you said that you don't hate Americans, but just be careful.

- Y U Act Entitled? - 06-04-2014 08:52 PM

It's impossible to determine which country has the highest rapes per capita because most rapes aren't reported... but trust me, the USA does NOT have the worst sexual assault problem around the world. It might have the MOST reported rapes of any country, but that has to do with it being the third most populous nation and a higher rate of crime being reported... but when you look at it in the RATIO form which crime should always be looked at it, it's not even close to the worst in the world. But neither is India.

Anyway these people stereotype based off of one bad incident... it's called "selective abstraction", sometimes a detail is taken out of context and believed whilst everything else in the context is ignored. Its only focusing on only the negative aspects of an event. It's when a person makes a judgment based on some information but disregards other information. It's just the ultimate bias...

And one more point - they can feel safe in the USA, most people do... most people don't live in bad neighborhoods. City crime rates are pretty useless if you wanna know how "dangerous" it is in a certain part of town... higher crime rates generally means "more areas with high crime rates". Most large cities have a small portion of the city where most of the crime happens, prime example with my city... 70% of the violent crime happens in a place where only 19% of the population lives.

So yes, these people are VERY NAIVE and full of stereotyping... most of India is NOT dangerous.

- Pancho - 06-04-2014 08:59 PM

Yes, they ignore what happens in their own country - - because they're very stupid. That rape case was horrifying but look at how soldiers (from any country) rape the women in the countries where the wars are being fought ...

- Suresh B - 06-04-2014 09:11 PM

Most cases in India are not reported. The Police are dangerous. Not so in the US. So the statistics can be totally misleading. Personally I feel India is the most unsafe place for women- especially N. India. The East, West and South are much safer and less threatening.