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Brandable Domain / Brandable Domains, what are they? - Printable Version

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Brandable Domain / Brandable Domains, what are they? - Rick - 06-04-2014 11:20 PM

I've been trying to pick a domain for my tech business, and SEO experts keep telling me to go with a brandable domain. However I just don't understand what the exact criteria for what qualifies as a brandable domain names. I guess it's a twofold question, what is a brandable domain name, and are brandables that important to have as a name. Thanks
I looked at your site examples. and are the best ones by far, many of the other sites just have nonsense names that don't have much foreseeable application and look very primitive. Thank you for your help John.

- john - 06-04-2014 11:24 PM

A brandable domain is a domain with a short keyword, nine characters or less, and typically a .COM. The keyword itself is not a real word, but it gives you an idea of what the service is about or sounds very catchy. Like 'Flippa' or 'Twitter' etc…

Take a look at and, both decent services that have brandable domain names for sale.

A brandable domain is essential. You could TRY and get an exact match domain instead of a brandable, but if you are looking for a short relevant exact match .COM domain be prepared to spend $2 Million plus. Brandables are affordable and will benefit your business all around.

- Bloomberg - 06-04-2014 11:35 PM

John is right on target with this, but just to add... brandable domains usually convey what their name sounds like. Similar to the way pharmaceuticals name their products, Viagra infers having vigor, Straterra keeps your head out of the clouds (stratus) and so on... if it sounds good for your company, buy it immediately or else someone will.

We had our eyes on a brandable and it was gone the next day. Don't let the prices deter you, they are priced that way because of demand. That's the thing with brandables, everyone want's their name to sound good, but only one can own it. We missed out on a huge opportunity on NameJot by minutes.

We also use BrandBucket, but there are only a few good ones there if you sift through the nonsense ones. Both sites prices are comparable but we go with NameJot releases for quality.

- PokerPlayer - 06-04-2014 11:43 PM

SEO is pretty much about what will make your site show up well in Google. Google takes into account the words in the domain, the title and the description when deciding what sites to show for which search terms. Because this is the case it is always a good idea to get a domain with at least one keyword central to your product that people will search for.

- Hoang - 06-04-2014 11:57 PM

I think brandable domains are anything but your exact match keyword.
Any domain can be brandable

- abhilash - 06-05-2014 12:08 AM

Brandable domain are domain name which does not have keyword in the domain name, not good for SEO
as you will have to spend so much of money to promote brand. where as key word rich domain get preference in search results

- Mike - 06-05-2014 12:19 AM

Typically has the best names, they are pricey, but they are the best on the market. Sometimes you will find one listed at low $3k, they usually go fast. Good luck!

- Ranjini - 06-05-2014 12:31 AM

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