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What is the best SEO Company in UK ? that you can recommend ? - Printable Version

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What is the best SEO Company in UK ? that you can recommend ? - Aveline - 06-05-2014 02:00 AM

I know many SEO Services in UK , but can you guys vouch for any company for its credibility ? Any internet Marketers here ?Thanks

- Rick - 06-05-2014 02:01 AM

Do you really need a Company to help you? If I knew more about what it is you are trying to achieve I could certainly advise you better. I am a successful webmaster and SEO seriously isn't rocket science. Feel free to message me (I Reside in the UK) and I'll be happy to help with no strings. You can use the contact page below if you would like to. Just refer to this question



- Armando - 06-05-2014 02:05 AM

There are many SEO companies in UK like ithinkmedia , SEO marketing etc .But i had suggest SEO marketing if you are having less budget and looking for good quality service..I can vouch for their credibility and their expertise.

- Richard - 06-05-2014 02:19 AM

Google "SEO company" or "SEO agency" or "SEO services".

The sites that come top are obviously quite good!

- Robert - 06-05-2014 02:31 AM

I use they dont really advertise it, but they good a good job for me.

I pay them just over £200 per month and I ranked first on google for many key words in my area.

- Aba Chíp Xù - 06-05-2014 02:47 AM

If you want to promote your business online so you need to click on

- Daniel M - 06-05-2014 02:48 AM

Now that would not be any easy thing to answer. There are many factors to take into account.
Like what industry are you in. There are many SEO companies that specialize in Tourism industry or gambling industry or in real estate. These companies may not be the biggest players in the market but they are definitely better than some. I have seen 5 people companies do much better than 25-30 people teams.
Have a look at the past clients. If you know how to then you could find out what strategy was used for them. Check their backlinks, blog mentions, social profiles, etc

Or if they have any case studies on the site.

I don't think it would harm if you send a couple of agencies a message requesting a quote. Choose the best you get and just make sure they know the objectives of your website.

& DON'T go after the ones that promise you top 3 positions!

- Hal Smith - 06-05-2014 02:58 AM

Google "SEO providers" or "SEO company" or something like that and your local Google search engine will rank the best ones on top.

One thing, for SEO you don't really need any local company. Any company located anywhere in the world can cater to your needs, doing SEO does not in any way depend on location. So any company will do as long as they are good, have good clients that can tell you about the company's quality of service and reliability.

Hal Smith
URLdreamer Consultant

- Angus - 06-05-2014 03:10 AM

Check it out