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How to get over someone you met online? - Printable Version

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How to get over someone you met online? - 453 - 06-05-2014 02:07 AM

There was this guy who i met randomly online this past summer. I felt instant connection and we talked on kik and skype all the time. Hes 21 and im 18. And yeah i know hes not fake cos we talked on skype! It was nice and he would always make me laugh and he said he wants to visit me and make me lasagne. He lives in the us and i live in europe. Then we started talking less and less. I would always be the one to innitate convos, but he told me he was shy with girls and didnt wanna seem clingy. So for the last 3 months i think we talked very seldom cos he would take a month to reply or so. And now he hasnt replied for about 6 weeks. I know its stupid to care about someone whos that far away but i just do. I cant help it i really thought he was my friend. And i just dont understand he could have at least said something and not just never reply. Btw the last time we talked was great and he was being sweet to me and all. I know his name and last name so i could easily add him on fb but thats gonna be so desperate right? He knows my frist name but he never asked for my last name. :/ And im just really sad cos i miss him and i dont have many friends in real life and never had a bf or anything so when he came along and he said he likes me i guess i just felt special thats all.Sad But i guess he got bored of me So what should i do now? Any advice?
ps. I know yall are gonna say im stupid for feeling this way but i cant help it i just get too attached...

- Lindsey - 06-05-2014 02:19 AM

Meet someone in real life.

- mathwiz - 06-05-2014 02:27 AM

You're not stupid for feeling this way about an online guy. We can't help who we connect with. Just because he's only on your computer screen and not in front of you does Not mean you cannot connect with him. He's still a real live person. He still has the ability to make you laugh and he allows you to open up to him and share things with him. I don't see anything wrong with this at all. We all need other people in our lives and how they come to us isn't always face to face. He probably disappeared because he needs that in person interaction. I would look him up on Facebook and send him a message telling him you miss his company. There's nothing wrong with that. There's no reason you two can't be friends from a distance. Sometimes it's these online "relationships" (friendships) that help us to grow and express ourselves more freely. This is particularly true for people who tend to be shy. These can be very authentic relationships (friendships) as we have no reason to hold back. I say go find your friend Smile