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Broke up with my boyfriend? - 767 - 06-05-2014 08:25 PM

So last night I finally decided to break up with my now ex boyfriend. He was constantly lying to me and putting me down. I feel sad yet proud of myself at the same time. After awhile last night he had texted me saying how pissed off he was and how he couldn't believe how he fell in love with me. He even wrote a nasty status on fb too. I know this may sound stupid but honestly why did he write all that crap? I honestly thought he wasn't going to care about us breaking up because of the way he treated me. But can someone explain this?

- Nicole - 06-05-2014 08:26 PM

He wanted to control you and is mad he couldn't. He also might have thought he had feelings for you but if he was treating you like that he is just a douche. And douches do douchie things like complain on Facebook about it. Sounds like you made the best choice! Good job!

- James - 06-05-2014 08:35 PM

Its all childish games tbh,

You are a strong person for finally getting rid of him, I have a good friend at work who had to break up with her boyfriend, and the best thing I ever told her to do was delete fb for a while, you can always come back to it later, but do you really need it right now?

Take from me (a guy) Guys are dick heads, as soon as we lose something we want it back and we will do and say anything to get it,

I know some of my best pals who are ass holes, who treated their girlfriends like crap and didn't appreciate them, then when they summoned up the strength to leave the guys resorted to mind games and emotions,

Best bet is if you break up once you will again, I would break off all contact, delete fb and just occupy your mind with something else for a while, nothing good will come of speaking to him or looking on his fb page, you knew it was the right decision at the time to get rid of him, why does it take him to lose you for him to start showing he cares for you,

Hope this helped

- madmectec - 06-05-2014 08:39 PM

Well, this "guy" is obviously not Mature enough for you. YOU are more adult than he is. You did the right thing to get rid of him.
Now, get him and his comments off of your fb. Check your "list" and inform them that this is done and ask them to do the same. This way you don't have to "unfriend" them as well.
Now it is time to "move on." Take some time off for your self. Contemplate why this "guy" was Bad. Ask yourself, HOW are you going to prevent YOU from a repeat of this type?
Take a FEW GFs or BFFs to a movie. Have some fun and then you will find yourself changing for the better.

- CoCo Cola - 06-05-2014 08:52 PM

its a ego thing, he's acting bitter and childish because he didn't beat you to the punch. I would cut all ties with him, he is toxic. And hanging out with toxic people will eventually will infect you.

- Brandon Morgan - 06-05-2014 09:04 PM

Seems like he was really attach to you. When a guy is very attach to a girl and they break up with them, then that makes them feel sadness and anger inside them. Some guys don't even bother and they just move on. If you broke up with him from the way he treated you, then there's nothing wrong you did. He will have to man up and move on. good luck.=)