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BIG windows 8 problem help? - Printable Version

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BIG windows 8 problem help? - 355 - 06-06-2014 10:41 AM

It started when idk, but I did some weird gesture I guess that turn Google chrome into an app. Anyway, I ended that process task. Now I can't type. I can type on my game but not anywhere else

Most important bit of info, when I press tabs it brings up all my windows in small frame in center screen

- Dominic - 06-06-2014 10:50 AM

Make sure your Alt keys aren't stuck down. Alt + Tab is the keyboard shortcut to cycle though running programs.

Google Chrome can be switch from app mode back to desktop mode by clicking the menu button and clicking "Relaunch Google Chrome on the desktop." If you'd like to go back to app mode then click the menu button then click "Relaunch Google Chrome in Windows 8 mode."

– Dominic