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Why does my Internet connection always disconnect in WIndows 7? - Printable Version

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Why does my Internet connection always disconnect in WIndows 7? - 376 - 06-06-2014 11:02 AM

I m using windows 7 now. Everytime when i m log on to the internet, after 10 mins or so... the internet connection icon below always say that it is identifying network... then no internet connection. Waited for about 3 mins for it to automatically reconnect back. I have already updated my network drivers. Still the same problem. It is very very annoying. Does anybody have this sort of problem in Windows 7? If yes, how to solve it?

- Luke K - 06-06-2014 11:17 AM

Maybe your computer is not strong enough

- Olivia - 06-06-2014 11:19 AM

I have the same problem with vista. First, make sure you have virus protection on your computer. I also went to and downloaded all the updates available for windows vista. You may need to try thiss. It is a great program to download because it automatically tells youwhenn new updates are available

- Michael Q - 06-06-2014 11:21 AM


Olivia is on the right track. Also make sure you have the windows 7 drivers for your network card. I upgraded over the weekend to windows 7 and had the same problem with my internet connection. It took some time but I was able to locate a third party driver that worked. My internet connection has been stable ever since.

- Tara_WinTeam - 06-06-2014 11:32 AM

Hello Joshua,

Definitely check your drivers and virus protection. Also look at your router and how your internet is set up:

Windows Outreach Team