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Windows 8 Help? - Printable Version

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Windows 8 Help? - 145 - 06-06-2014 12:59 PM

I got a new Windows 8 Notebook Pavilion 2000 as a gift this Christmas and I've only been able to use my apps once. The next day, I wasn't able to use them at all. To this day, i'm not able to use them. They all say that they cannot connect unless I have an Internet Connection, even though I do. I can only use what's on my desktop and my Mail app. Can someone please help me to try and fix this problem?

Thank you!

- Stevö© - 06-06-2014 01:03 PM

Can't really tell what the problem is from your description but its probably internet related. If your sure your internet connection is working, I would try refreshing your PC.