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Dose anyone know how to make a good creepy pasta? - Printable Version

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Dose anyone know how to make a good creepy pasta? - The chess master - 06-06-2014 01:08 PM

This is problem because the best ones are always scary and believable and have great stories to them. The problem is, I don't know how to make them scary and effective so that the audience can read until the end of the story. Is it also difficult to post one?
Let me know

- Mujer Alta - 06-06-2014 01:13 PM

Copypastas and Creepypastas are just 21st Century forms of the kind of writing called Very Short Fiction. The rules of good writing apply to all of them. You've got to outline the story and then brainstorm the words and phrases you can use in it. You probably won't use them all but just seeing them on paper (or on the screen) in front of you will help you adjust them and give them more ooomph!. When you write Very Short Fiction you can't waste space on unnecessary words. Every word has to propel the story forward. You want to use strong words and phrases that describe up the kazoo. A good thesaurus is a must. See the action happening in your mind and describe it using your word and phrase list.

I'm never going to be posting copypastas or creepypastas. I'm sure if you google "post creepypastas" (without the quotes) the search will find some links for you. I know that some people post them on their Facebook, Tumblr or blog accounts.

- Tom - 06-06-2014 01:26 PM

Make it a creepy and mysterious atmosphere/monster don't make it too long 4-5 paragraphs recommended however there can be short ones 21st centenary ones are better also haunted forests or being lost gets the atmosphere. But the trick is if you have a twist at the end e.g the boy sister was screaming in his room she screamed "Monster monster" but he couldn't see one he then asked what it was and she said he was hovering over his bed....