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Should I go to this party next Friday? - Printable Version

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Should I go to this party next Friday? - mrawesome - 06-06-2014 01:41 PM

So I just recently started to get popular, and this guy in my Spanish class invited me to a party next Friday or Saturday night, its all over Twitter, and I kind of want to go, but apparently there is going to be alcohol there, and I probably would not have any. I am a bit nervous(BTW, I'm a guy and if I went this would be my first party, freshman in high school), that maybe he was just trolling me and I wasn't actually invited, He is on the Varsity football team and one of the most popular guys at our school, lots of girls there probably. And, no, this is not about popularity. Should I go or not?

- Adrianna - 06-06-2014 01:42 PM

Yes. You need publicity to be more popular

- lar - 06-06-2014 01:43 PM

I say go! If it's on twitter, it's obviously real and big! No one will be checking invites and others who hear about it will go - invite or not - so don't feel bad. If you're nervous it's probably a good idea to bring a friend. If you don't know the person who is hosting the party, try to keep it to just one tag along. As far as the alcohol goes, don't sweat it. It's okay not to drink and even if someone makes a joke, no one really cares as long as you're there to have fun. Just relax and join in! Good for you for not drinking underage. If by some chance it gets 'busted' just go into a room or something. you haven't been drinking so you wont' get in trouble and usually all they actually do is tell everyone to go home. have fun!!!

- thenettrainer - 06-06-2014 01:57 PM

Be very careful making this decision. It could effect the rest of your life.

You're a high school student, considering going to a party where alcohol
will be "served" or made available to minors.

1). That, in itself, is illegal. If you're there, you're supporting what ever
happens there. You are (whether in a room by yourself or not) a part
of the party.

2). This is where temptation starts. Even if you don't drink . . .

- Jack - 06-06-2014 02:09 PM

Dude honestly going to that party will probably be bad news. You say your not gonna drink alcohol but when your there and under peer pressure and there are girls around....your gonna drink it. If you dont you will get sh!t for it! I guarantee you that alcohol is not gonna be the only thing going around there. If your truly not in it for the popularity and you want to focus on school then decline. I was NOT an outcast in school nor was I popular. I was the fittest strongest guy in school and I passed on all that sh!t and declined the football team and kept focused and I'm glad I did. Everyone I know who got mixed up in drugs and alcohol either ended up bums, early mothers or fathers, stuck with a habit, stuck with a police record, or even dead! Even know of a few that ended up with rape charges or girls getting raped. If your under 21 and there's gonna be alcohol then pass. I am much better off and much more popular now at 25 then any of them guys were in highschool.