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Found Dirty Facebook Messages On Boyfriends Facebook. Please Help.? - Printable Version

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Found Dirty Facebook Messages On Boyfriends Facebook. Please Help.? - ashley - 06-06-2014 06:32 PM

FOUND FACEBOOK MESSAGES ON BOYFRIENDS PHONE. IM HURT. PLEASE HELP!?Yesterday my boyfriend was using my phone to go on facebook and he had left it open in my phone and something told me to look through his messages and when I did I found two convos with two girls. It was really dirty and innaproprate messages. Im not sure what to think.... I love him and wanna make it work but im really hurt by what was said in particular... and really upset about the certain days he was talking to them.... I don't know how to forget it and not be mad or hurt. Everything I think back in our relationship I think how could he and am hurt all over.... how do I move past this. I confronted him about it and he knows he was wrong and he wont ever do it again and the most part i believe him. But how do I stop feeling that hurt every time I think of those messages over and over?

- Bazza - 06-06-2014 06:46 PM

Dump him. Or live with it. Simples.

- Pancake - 06-06-2014 06:54 PM

Aww sweetie don't worry.

He's made his mistakes, he seems disloyal. I say give him 1 more chance, and try to forget this. I know you can't control his life or see his fb messages, but there's trust in relationships. If you feel you have lost your trust in him, then hands down leave him! He is not worth your time! You are a strong and confident woman, you don't need men who have dirty fb convos. He is a disrespectful guy, he doesn't know what he's missing out on.

But if you do love him, give it a try, and see how it goes. I suggest giving 1 chance because I know a lot of guys do have dirty convos (like my guy friend) and are embarrassed about it lol.

Hope I helped sweetie x

- Clara - 06-06-2014 06:56 PM

Love is never black and white. you could love someone to the ends of the earth and still do something to hurt them. what your boyfriend did is inexcusable, but the fact that he's sorry, and wants to work things out is a good sign. If those messages meant that he didn't want to be with you anymore, or loved you less, he would have just taken the easy way out as soon as you found out. if he does it again, then leave him, after seeing how much its hurt you, he should do everything in his power to make you feel secure again.