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Constant red face and arms with flushing, could it be gluten sensitivity or dairy? - Printable Version

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Constant red face and arms with flushing, could it be gluten sensitivity or dairy? - Silversunfan - 06-07-2014 01:14 AM

I'm almost eighteen and I've had a red face for as long as I can remember. My forehead and nose are fine for the most part, but my cheeks flush (as in a burning sensation and turning a bright red/purple colour) often, especially in the afternoon, and I have blotchy red patches along both jaws, often with hives.
On my arms I have keratosis pilaris, which I understand can't be treated, but I also get blotchy rashes very frequently and they can be seen any time I'm exposed to water.
When I take antihistamines I have some relief, but not much - the only time my face is completely clear is late at night, after the sun has gone down. I usually don't wear makeup and when I do I only use mascara, as I don't want to put anything on my face to irritate it (and nothing is strong enough to cover the redness).
I googled gluten rashes, which can occur in people who are sensitive to gluten but don't have full on celiac disease, and I'm wondering if it could be that. My skin improves a lot if I fast, and I believe it's dietary. I researched dairy allergies but they usually don't produce allergies. Eating fruit makes my rashes worse.
I've had this my whole life but it's become more and more extreme every year, and I can't deal with it any longer! What could I be allergic to?

- formerly_bob - 06-07-2014 01:24 AM

You could be allergic to virtually anything in the air, water, or food you are exposed to. The only ways to find out are by trial and error (which can take years and never yield any information) or see an allergist to get screened.

- shauna - 06-07-2014 01:39 AM

It could be all sorts of things, but you could also have something called a mast cell activation disorder (MCAD). It was only recognized a couple years ago, so most doctors don't even know about it, let alone how to diagnose or test for it.

It involves the mast cells - which release histamines - triggering when they shouldn't. It can result in heat and flushing due to elevated histamine levels.

Information in this online is VERY sketchy, but the best information I've found is actually on a couple Facebook groups, in their files sections. Get on Facebook and search for mcad, mcas, or mast cell disorder and a few will come up.

Also, there is something called a histamine intolerance, which also causes elevated histamine levels and flushing. A website called the low histamine chef talks about the condition and dietary and other aids for it.

Many foods - including many fruit - can be high histamine or can inhibit the body's ability to break down histamine, so it can make it worse. Or foods can trigger the mast cells (gluten is a common one). So can heat or cold (in MCAD), exposure to chemicals (like in buildings or at a school),smells, movement or exercise, water or other substances, friction, stress or excitement, all sorts of things. Depends on the person, which thing will trigger it. It's a very quirky condition.

Truly, I'd check this out online, and then you can explore to see if you can find a knowledgeable doctor in your area to help! Wishing you good luck.