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Anyone know a good seo company to get on 1st page of google? - Printable Version

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Anyone know a good seo company to get on 1st page of google? - Donovan - 06-07-2014 10:00 AM

- Adam - 06-07-2014 10:03 AM

SEO doesn't exist.

It's all about content.

- Jake - 06-07-2014 10:05 AM

Don't trust those that guarantee page one ranking, some valuable keywords are thousands of times more difficult to rank for than others. Increasing SEO spam awareness is making many of the old SEO methods ineffective or dangerous to your site ranking.

Making more original quality text content than the competitors may be half the formula for high ranking.

- 283 - 06-07-2014 10:20 AM

I am an SEO expert. There are definite things you can do to improve your search ranking. It all depends on the keywords. Let's say you own a dog grooming business. You might rank on the 3rd page for dog grooming. However, if you're located in Texas, you might rank on the 2nd page for "dog grooming Texas". If you're in Dallas, you might rank on the 1st page for "dog grooming Dallas". So, in summary, SEO is about content, keywords, understanding your niche in your industry. This is just one small example. There are numerous SEO strategies that an SEO expert will use to improve your page ranking.

Contact me for a free SEO report at if you want to learn more.

- YahooDeana - 06-07-2014 10:25 AM

I taught myself SEO and nearly anyone can. It's quite easy actually though there are periodic changes.

For example, Google is phasing out keywords due to keyword spamming and jamming. Look it up if you want to understand it - I can't type that much info here.
So keywords will soon be outdated.

Content is king. Next is quality link backs. Shared links with other sites will be downgraded by Google. They need to be links to your site without you having theirs on your site.

What I told you is key info. The rest you'll have to learn on your own or contact a SEO person.

- Brandon - 06-07-2014 10:29 AM

There are many good companies who provide SEO services and you can try them after checking their credibility and previous projects.

- Kevin - 06-07-2014 10:36 AM

SEO can be generally categorized into two components, 1) on-page and 2) off-page optimization, each of which is critical to search engine success. On-page optimization involves developing your site’s content for relevance to popular keywords, and ensuring that its code and content are correctly structured such that search engine spiders can index them.
Off-page optimization refers to the quality and quantity of links pointing to a page, which are used by search engines to help determine authority and relevance. Many aspects of off-page optimization are not directly controlled by the site owner, but building quality content that is valuable to users can help make a site more “link-worthy” and contribute to its off-page optimization.
Both on and off page optimization are necessary to achieve effective, long-term SEO success in most industries. This site has some more valuable info and services.