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Selling something on Craigslist? - Printable Version

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Selling something on Craigslist? - PinoyForTheWin - 06-07-2014 12:32 PM

Okay I am selling a motorcycle through craigslist. Craigslist, already known for its notoriety of scams.

I am selling a motorcycle, and received a call from a worker who claims to be employed with a small dealer ship that purchases used vehicles for resale. The caller claims to be interested, and is willing to pay cash. The thing is, its a 6 hour drive away. As an incentive, he is willing to add an extra 100$. I told him, i'll get back to him if I don't find any other buyers. So he says he is willing to mail me a check, and WAIT until it CLEARS through MY bank, then he will send a third party to pick it up.

The three information I already gave him in order for him to send me the check was, my Full name, email address (so he can send pictures of the envelope + check before he mails it) and my street address. I received the mailed envelope with the check, written to the exact amount I am selling the motorcycle for. So I went to the bank, asked many questions asking if the check could eventually lead to fraud after some time it has cleared. They said it is possible, only if it is deposited. So I just cashed it, they said once any further fraud surfaces, since they already cashed it to me, they legally cannot do anything to me, which is a good thing. So after cashing the check, I texted the worker at the small dealership, he says he will set up preparations for picking it up. The thing I am worried about here is, is there such a thing as for him to claim "the motorcycle is not in the condition as showed in the pictures" and the company wants their money back? They physically did not see the motorcycle, they only agreed by what I provided on the craigslist post.

Any ideas?
I asked the bank if there were any possibilities of fraud if I cashed the check, they said no.
What if the purchaser that receives my bike, they say it is no in the condition as shown in the picture. -- Can they do any legal actions towards me?.. I already received the cash, and signed it off.

- Jake - 06-07-2014 12:44 PM

A check is not a sure thing until it is received by the issuing bank, the endless Nigerian check fraud schemes exploit the fact that your own bank is advancing you the money, though they may want it back if the check doesn't clear it's own bank. I'm no banking expert but that's the store I hear over and over.

Something like a casher's check costs a bit more but might be a sure thing, as soon as you cash it.

- Kittysue - 06-07-2014 12:45 PM

Person to person vehicle sales are on an as is basis
You write up a Bill of Sale stating you have sold the bike as is, you do not offer refunds and there is no warranty. Also that any damage to the vehicle after the date of sale caused by the third party is their responsibility
Here are samples of Bill of Sale that you can use as a template and adjust as needed