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How to put and AD out for house cleaning services? - Printable Version

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How to put and AD out for house cleaning services? - D.C. - 06-07-2014 01:40 PM

My family of four are in a position where we need more money. I'm looking for a Job where I can take my 2yr. with me. she wont be going to Pre-k anytime soon, and we can't afford daycare. I've asked family members to watch her, but they have their own kids and work. My son is in first grade so he's okay till 3pm. even then he can get into an after school program. So It's mainly my daughter i'm worried about. ( sorry I'm draggin on just wanna make sure i'm filling in as many blanks as possible)
So....I was thinking about cleaning house's to bring in some extra money, and that way I can bring my daughter with me. I just have some questions because I have never done this before. I have worked retail, fast food, and book keeping. So all my jobs required an application.
Where should I post an AD craigslist, newspaper, flyers? How much should I charge? How do I make my AD standout? And will people actually find my AD online or is it a waste of time? How do I make sure bad people like serial killers and stuff aren't answering my AD? Is taking my daughter a possibility? (She's a well behaved little girl. But I have a pack n play somewhere, if my clients are worried about her breaking thing.)

I have plenty of references to if that helps!!!

If any one has any Great advice to give that would be great!!!!!!!

thank you so much!!!!!

- Judy - 06-07-2014 01:42 PM

If any of the stores in your area have bulletin boards, put up some fliers, with little tear-off strips on the bottom with your phone number.