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What is the best choice for SEO-minded wedding photographer? - Printable Version

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What is the best choice for SEO-minded wedding photographer? - mickundca - 06-08-2014 01:48 AM

1. Livebooks - I have now and love how my site looks, but it does not generate the SEO results which it promises and which I would like.

2. Showit - I like how it looks and sounds, and that several celeb photographers use it, and the + sites, but again, like Livebooks it runs off of Flash and seems very similar to Livebooks while costing a similar hefty fee of 40 dollars per month.

3. A Wordpress site, which seems more complicated but which is probably going to give me the SEO results I am looking for.

My main goal is to pop up higher in Google searches for Virginian wedding photographers.

My current website is

Feedback is welcome!

- Mike - 06-08-2014 01:58 AM

Being ranked fisrt for "virginian wedding photographers" will get you...0 visitors! No one searches for it..

Go here

change the side option from BROAD TO EXACT. Broad is not the correct number.

Enter some keywords, look at the numbers. Being first in google, you should see about 40-50% of the number. So if it's 600, you'd see about 10 visitors a day.

Next, none of those solutions will put you on the first page at all. You really need to do a lot of research first. You will also most likely get ripped off. The main thing you should do to appear locally is focus on google places. It is different from seo and the organic results. Research how to improve your google place rank.

Finally, do not pay a monthly fee for any of those, 40/mo is crazy. Just use wordpress, find a nice photo theme or plugin. Maybe buy one from

Good Luck, it's like going through a landfill looking for a diamond to find good info. Everyone will try to rip you off, scam you, sell you BS (since you don't know better)

- Inda Cloud - 06-08-2014 02:11 AM

If you're going to use cookie cutter sites like the ones you mentioned, then expect nothing. You do not have the control that you need in order to seo your site the way it needs to be done. You can get real hosting for around 5 bucks a month at hostgator.

You need real, paid hosting.

Wordpress is great. It does have a learning curve but once you learn it, it's easy.

If you cannot do it, hire someone who can.