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How can I improve my blog? - Printable Version

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How can I improve my blog? - Georgia - 06-08-2014 07:13 AM

Hi, I'd love some help here. I recently started a new blog: and I have been trying hard on my posts but I was wondering how I could improve my whole blog to get more views or just to make it better quality.


- AustinP - 06-08-2014 07:23 AM

No one cares.

- cake8585 - 06-08-2014 07:32 AM

There is not much you can do, but keep trying. I just recently started blogging myself and it is hard to get people to notice your blog. You can have good posts and a professional looking blog, but if no one knows about it, who is going to read it?...What I have learned since I started blogging is that you need to network, go to other blogs and comment on their post, join a forum, a blog community. I found bloglovin and it has helped. Networking is key. You can get a free account on bloglovin and connect with other blogs. You can follow blogs and they can follow you back Smile
I hope this was helpful.

- Alicia - 06-08-2014 07:37 AM

Hi Georgia! Here are a few things you can try:

Promote on social media.
Write posts that interest people. If all you do is talk about yourself, no one is going to care. Make the content useful for other people. So you say, "Hey, I think I've figured out a posting schedule and I'm going to X, Y, and Z." Why do people care, especially when you don't have a lot of followers? So feature books/clothes/etc. that would benefit other people. For instance, in your outfit of the day, make sure you talk about the benefits of the outfit to the reader. You said you would include links to the clothes. That's great! That gives people something to come to your blog for.

Right now you don't have a lot of content, so just keep writing.

You can also attract people by running giveaways, networking, etc. Good luck!

- Francis - 06-08-2014 07:46 AM

Can through writing And on the Internet for information , etc. Hope to help you

- BILL - 06-08-2014 07:56 AM

You can also write articles on trending topics and link back to your blog

There are also numerous answered an unanswered questions on Quora from which you can source questions to answer. This can be found just below related topic.

answering unanswered questions on quora

Whenever you select a question to answer-make sure you have an in-depth knowledge of the answer you wish to provide. By so doing you would place yourself as an authority in that niche, hence making people to follow you in Quora. This subsequently leads to incremental traffic to your blog.
Secondly, for questions that has already been answered in your blog, post part of the answers to the questions on quora and link back to your blog.
N/B: The answers provided should be detailed or your answers may be voted down. This is because members may see it as self promotion.
Make Use of Anchor Text.
Another way to drive traffic to your blog or website is through the use of anchor text with the exact keyword you have in mind.