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Google Adwords charged way more than I thought it would? - Printable Version

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Google Adwords charged way more than I thought it would? - jake p - 06-08-2014 07:37 AM

So I started a Google Adwords campaign just to get my videos a little bit of a push. I set the average cost per day at $2.00. And I put $20.00 in my Adwords account. So my impression of it was that it would run my ads a little bit for 10 days and be done. Well I had my Ad going for about 12 hours, wake up this morning, and my video gained about 3,000 views. I was pretty happy. Then I went to my Adwords account and checked my statistics, and under the Total Cost column it says $147.09. Wtf?? What happened? Am I just completely oblivious to how Adwords works? I thought by putting $20 into my account I would only be charged a maximum of $20. Now I owe $150..

- Zen - 06-08-2014 07:51 AM

someone didn't read their contract... Big Grin

- starlight - 06-08-2014 08:04 AM

Did you set your average cost at $2.00 or your average daily budget at $2.00? You need to go back and read about how Adwords works. Google can, and often will, charge you up to 20% more than your budget over a month. If you set your "cost per click" at $2.00, that is a lot different from setting your average daily budget at $2.00.

- 066 - 06-08-2014 08:18 AM


You should have set up a daily budget at the campaign level of $2 per day - although I'm not sure if a budget that low would even run (never tried it myself). The other option is to set your billing to pay up front and then top up however much you want to spend. It looks like to me that you set the account to run however much the campaign allows and bill you after.

Your best bet is to call the adwords team, they may be able to help you out by crediting the balance back into your account and setting your daily budget correctly. But that's just my guess, so don't quote me on that.

- Prashant Kumar - 06-08-2014 08:32 AM

Google had charge 20% extra in your daily budget. if there is something wrong in your campaign call to google adwords toll free no. they fixed your problem and what happens they tell everythings.

I am adwords expert if you know more about contact me

and my skype id is prashant.seo