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How to start something with this guy I like at work? - Printable Version

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How to start something with this guy I like at work? - 094 - 06-09-2014 01:48 AM

My supervisor at work. I can tell he likes me at least a little bit because everytime I ask him for help he always smiles at me and everything. He smiles at everyone but for me it's a different special kind of smile. And him and another supervisor were discussing something and he said "Let's ask my new friend. I've declared Amber as my new friend." I looked up his facebook. I'm too scared to add him though! But what specific things can I do to make him like me more and make HIM look for MY facebook and ask for my number and all that? Thanks!

- webjnke1 - 06-09-2014 02:04 AM

Just tell him you happened across his fb page. He'll take it from there.