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Do I have to switch to Time Warner Cable business class? - Printable Version

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Do I have to switch to Time Warner Cable business class? - 859 - 06-09-2014 01:58 AM

Hello, I am a college student starting a learning project. I have created my own web server and plan to host my own websites to learn and grow with. The account that provides my internet is not mine, it is my grandmother whom I live with. I eventually plan to add services like Google advertisements and maybe even start a small online partnership business using PayPal to make a little income. I was wondering if I would have to upgrade our service to a business class package? I do not believe that I would make a substantial income, but more like a hobby and learning experience. Thank you for taking the time to help me with my question. Smile

I tried asking TWC themselves, but unfortunately they played the "pass the hot potatoe" game, and ended up at a dead end. And its a Sunday so I cannot call. Im sure they where just busy or something. :3

P.S not really a category to put this under...
Yes thank you Rein! Big Grin I actually have quite a few ideas, and I actually have made some pretty good looking functional sites before that alot of people liked. The question was more or less just about the upgrading accounts. This is just my first personal in-home server and I thought maybe the IRS or Cable Company might have fine line between hobby and business. I don't believe I will be making something that will eventually be handed over to a family member trying to start up his online clothing brand.
I meant I will be handing it over eventually :3

- Rein - 06-09-2014 02:01 AM

U are making a wonderful use for ur internet connection. But the question is what kind of website are u goin to create?. Tips that u should do would be:

1st. don't make a package in the 1st attempt.
2nd. what kind of business. make it specific. e.g. don't make a website where ur categories are confusing.
3rd. It realli doesn't need to be upgraded. But u nid to make it simple and more user friendli when one will attempt to check it.
4th. making a website in most of it is a trial and error basis where u nid to make it active and change things that is not realli needed or changing parts of u website to make it comfortable for the viewers.

all in all better to go and make it active and change things later. u will soon find things that would be needing changes. :-) GOOD LUCK