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Texting with the boy I like! Help? - Printable Version

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Texting with the boy I like! Help? - 247 - 06-09-2014 09:06 AM

We've been texting each other a bit 2 days ago. He is very nice and funny and replies to my texts (maybe he is trying to be nice replying). But we've know each other since 7th grade. Now we're both 10th grade. And 2 days ago he asked me out 2 times. But maybe he asked me out just because we haven't seen each other for a long time. And I wanna know if he likes me or he just missed me. And oh... He has a gf (saw that on fb). So he likes me? Or he is trying to be nice because we haven't hung out since 8th grade!!!

- Fekefufu - 06-09-2014 09:12 AM

How about you ask him this

- Cole - 06-09-2014 09:25 AM

Maybe you should ask him about the gf first, not randomly just while you are asking him how his life has been going

- Josh - 06-09-2014 09:39 AM

Don't be the girl who wants him to text first and get mad when he doesn't text him first once and a while be cool with him but not really flirty with him cause he has a girlfriend.. Ask about his girlfriend.. Be cool with him because you know he might go to you as a next resort after they break up and that's when you become flirty

- Zach - 06-09-2014 09:42 AM

Did he ask you out on a date or to hang out, as a high schooler myself I can promise you if he asked you to hang our, and he has a girl friend, he probably sees you as a close friend, doesn't mean that if he and his gf break up he won't be attracted to you, he very well could be, but right now, it sounds like you're a close buddy of his who he wants hang out with