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Does Anyone have Any Opinion on Site Build It (SBI)? - Printable Version

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Does Anyone have Any Opinion on Site Build It (SBI)? - Ryan - 06-09-2014 02:27 PM

Lisa Irby (For all you website Geeks out there you will probably know who she is. She is a big time personality on creating websites) used to advocate so hard for SBI...Now she is all about the WordPress and Genesis Themes....I am a COMPLETE BEGINNER and want to make a site that will make me money...obviously I am not expecting to make money overnight but I want to choose the best option to set me up for success...any ideas on which one is better....Also what do you think about the Dreamweaver Software? To advanced for someone like me (A beginner)

- Charlie Sasser - 06-09-2014 02:30 PM

Over 50% of all new websites and blogs are built with WordPress and 17% plus of all websites that currently exist were built with WordPress. If you are planning to do it yourself, the only way to go is with WordPress. There is a great community and plenty of free add ons (plugins) and templates (themes). Don't use it is too restrictive long-term for a real business but you can start with it for free if you want to see how things work. Start out with a share host like DreamHost, BlueHost, Hostgator, etc. just don't use GoDaddy for your host. When things pick up, move to somebody like

Hope this helps.

Charlie Sasser

- Muneeb Ejaz - 06-09-2014 02:44 PM


Creating website is very easy.

1.Buy a domain
2.Buy hosting

You can buy both on site below and can get discount with world's best hosting

And then add wordpress on your website , download a WordPress ,theme Google for it, and you have a great website of your own.