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Do I need to be an SEO expert in order to make money with affiliate programs? - Printable Version

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Do I need to be an SEO expert in order to make money with affiliate programs? - 929 - 06-09-2014 05:07 PM

There seems to be a steep learning curve for SEO. How important is it to learn SEO?

- Pratibha Bharati - 06-09-2014 05:08 PM


To earn from your affiliates, i must say, you need traffic of your website, and for traffic you need to do seo of your websites. There are various basic thing of seo, you have to implement in your website like content of website, theme of website, sitemap, google webmaster tool etc.


- Faizan - 06-09-2014 05:23 PM

You don't need to do much for seo. What is important is consistency. Be consistence and do SEO every day for your site. In some days, Your site will have high rankings and you will not need any person for affiliates. You can get some tutorials and tips from:

- Abbey - 06-09-2014 05:28 PM

Affiliate marketing and SEO go hand in hand; you can't have one without the other. Once you join an affiliate marketing program, determine the best keywords that will drive potential buyers to your site. Making your site easy to find and highly relevant to the product you're advertising, will translate into more click-throughs and more conversions.

- Gary - 06-09-2014 05:41 PM

Need not be. You can use PPC to drive traffic.. but it costs.