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Do I need to take up courses for SEO or can I just learn more quickly over the internet? - Printable Version

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Do I need to take up courses for SEO or can I just learn more quickly over the internet? - Susan - 06-10-2014 12:05 AM

I have been in communication with some SEO companies out there and have had business dealings with them. I just want to expand my knowledge and some of them have been kind enough to provide me with material and help through guidance and practical involvement while dealing with my own and some of my business clients business ventures. But to learn it properly do I have to put aside time for courses or can these companies and other resources on the internet like Google provide me with enough. Please consider the time factor, which would be easier and less time consuming.

- Waz - 06-10-2014 12:15 AM

Everything about SEO is available in the internet for free but the problem is the time you will spend finding them. If you haven't much time for it, then take a course.

- Hero - 06-10-2014 12:23 AM

do it yourself. Or pay some SEO company to do it for you.

- Takumi - 06-10-2014 12:25 AM

I learned that and webdesign off of the net, no need to talk with anyone. All of the tools and help are on the net.

- D Dixon - 06-10-2014 12:39 AM

Hi Susan,
SEO is time intensive but you really don't need to take any courses. I'm not even sure the courses could even really teach it; it's something you need to learn. There are many white papers and sites out there. I have gotten some great info from Hubspot's blogs. These guys churn out reports quicker than you can blink. EcomBuffet is a recent favorite as Jennifer Horowitz definitely knows what it takes and what she's talking about. The best way to learn is to do it. You do it, you see how it works, if it works, you figure out what to do...get a hold of the basics and just try them out!
Good luck!

- Sebastian - 06-10-2014 12:46 AM

You can learn about the various SEO strategies and tactics through internet. You can also attend the training programs of SEO firms.

- Johny - 06-10-2014 12:55 AM

well , the experienced experts are only from Topseolinks as per my suggestion,

- Hal Smith - 06-10-2014 01:07 AM

Considering that you don't have that much time, it is better to take up a course. It will only take a few hours of your week and you don't have to worry about if the research material is correct or not. If somewhere somehow you can find time from your busy work then I'd say learning it yourself, just like everything else, has most charm. Plus, you'd retain more and learn more quickly as you'll be more involved with the whole process.

Hal Smith
URLdreamer Consultant

- rhenium3 - 06-10-2014 01:16 AM

I agree with the others, if you learn it yourself it will take a long time. A course will give you quicker understanding. However you also have to practice it, like a skill.

I also believe that it is much better to do it yourself then to hire a company. True white hat SEO is done by having great content and building relationships. Usually outsourcing leaves someone else to represent your business online, and they may not represent it the same way you would.

Below is one SEO workshop that will give you a great jump start. Hubspot is also a great resource for white papers, but again it takes time to learn that way.