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Do you think light-skinned women have it better? Especially in the media? Explain? - Printable Version

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Do you think light-skinned women have it better? Especially in the media? Explain? - b - 06-10-2014 06:39 AM

Especially if they are ATTRACTIVE, mixed-looking and can almost pass for another race? Also do you think if Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Vanessa L. Williams, Alicia Keys, and any other actress or singers who are fair-skinned with European facial features were all dark skinned and "black-looking", Do you think they would still get as much attention and praise on their looks and talent if they were all dark-skinned, unattractive with afrocentric facial features? Why or why not? And please explain your reasons.

- Matt - 06-10-2014 06:51 AM

You hate dark skin so what.

- Kevin - 06-10-2014 06:57 AM

You can look like anything when you're truly talented.
No one at the time knew what Mariah looked like.
She SANG and captured people on the radio before the advent of social media and "instant" everything.

What of those popular actors, singers, models and sports figures who are dark skinned and attractive? Apparently if you're talented, you're talented, huh?

- songbird85 - 06-10-2014 07:13 AM

Naomi Campbell is the most amazing fierce woman of all time, she really is a total role model and the most beautiful women I have ever seen. She's black.I think if your good looking then your good looking it doesn't matter what race you are, part of the fame for people like the above mentioned of course are to do with their looks, in fact a lot of it is to do with being goodlooking eg. Destinies child They were all great singers Beyoncé was the best looking and she that's all by far did the best as a solo artist. That's just the way society is.its cruel and it's unfair. However talent is hugely recognized in the music industry I mean take Susan Boyle yes she was white but no one expected her to have a talent because she was ugly. Her talent was instantly recognised. Now she's a huge success. So yeah I think the same would apply to all people no matter what race you are .

- george - 06-10-2014 07:26 AM

I completely agree with you. I believe that if Beyoncé, Mariah, Vanessa WIlliams, and Alicia Keyes, with as talented as they all are, if they were dark skinned they would not be nearly as big as they are. Especially true for Vanessa and Beyoncé. I think lighter skin is seen as more appealing. It is the medium, white people want tan skin, black people value lighter skin. It's basically what everyone wants if you know what I mean? It's also seen as less threatening

- melissa - 06-10-2014 07:37 AM

It depends on how you define better. In the entertainment world, namely music, light is right. Extraordinary talent helps, but white America gets more excited about lighter skinned Blacks because they seem more like them. At least that is my opinion. In the businesss world, it does not matter. If you know your craft and are good at making things happen - weight, not color is more of an obstacle than brown skin.
In personal relationships, light skin will garner more attention - and maybe more opportunity, but in the end, they are not happier. They probably have men trying harder to get into their beds, but unfortunately men do not treat a woman better just because he like her skin color. He may only want sexual contact with his view of beautiful women. The examples you site above make the point. If America will pay money to see you, there is a good chance, the skin is lighter.