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How much would do you think a reasonable website ad would be? - Printable Version

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How much would do you think a reasonable website ad would be? - Lin - 06-10-2014 10:15 PM

What would you pay for an add that reaches about 7,500 people that is on the side in a banner ad with other ads that is 125 x125 pixels.

The ad reaches just a small region.

- PhiPUD - 06-10-2014 10:24 PM

You didn't mention if the traffic was daily, weekly, monthly but the way I value an ad spot is based on the amount I can make by placing an affiliate offer related to the site content. So if I can place an affiliate offer on the site and make $100 I would charge a minimum of $120 (20% premium) to sell the spot because it takes more effort to manage the ad, renewal, etc.

- Jake - 06-10-2014 10:30 PM

The going cost per thousand banner space rates for that size is near $1-$2 CPM, meaning $7.50 to $15, certainly I see a lot of bloggers offering small rect ads for $10/mo but probably average less traffic than yours.

Check the quotes on banner brokers like, and

- AFG - 06-10-2014 10:36 PM

in my opinion a 125X125 worth nothing until you just want your ad to be seen by people and ignored.

the space is too low to send any marketing across , Bloggers prefer this because it gives them more money.

Better spend little more and go for a 250X250 or 300 Size ad.