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Does Call of Duty for Wii require Internet connection? - Printable Version

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Does Call of Duty for Wii require Internet connection? - 656 - 06-11-2014 09:37 AM

I'm looking to buy my boyfriend Call of Duty Modern Warfare for Wii, but I was wondering if it requires or uses Internet connection?

- tibby - 06-11-2014 09:45 AM

I dont think so. My firend has Call of duty 1 and 2 and she plays w/o internet. She evan chats with people. Dont ask me how, because i dont have the game, and my wii is busted. (boo hoo :'( )
I might visit her.......

- Nedim - 06-11-2014 09:51 AM

If single player than no but if Multiplayer than I has to connect to internet.It starts to use Internet when you click multiplayer

- dj - 06-11-2014 09:52 AM

Only time you use internet is when playing online or co op you dont use it when on campaign or zombie mode so I hope I helped

- Jack - 06-11-2014 09:56 AM

Call of Duty on Wii only requires internet connection if he wants to play the extra online features. In my opinion though the game isnt really fun if you can't play online. If he has internet where he lives he can simply hook it up to that internet and play on the online features. If i were you you should make sure he can hook up internet to his Wii because he might get bored of the game after he completes the campaign which will only be a few days long. Hope this helped you.