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How to tell my mom I don't care about her FB nonsense? - Printable Version

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How to tell my mom I don't care about her FB nonsense? - Telling It Like It Is - 06-11-2014 12:30 PM

My mom has been on Facebook non-stop and even wrote a status about my boss (who she's friends with). My boss' sister uses her account for games and invites my mother to play. While my mom ignores the game invites, she is virtually "pissed off" that my boss' sister uses the account to play games.
My mom called me last night to tell me all this drama and I really don't have time for it - I had a meeting last night and today I was on deadline and have a lot of responsibililty at my job. I don't want to hear this nonsense with her and FB, but she's on all the time AND writing statuses about my boss!!!
My mom has no friends in real life and even though she has my 10 year old sister to take care of, she has plenty of down time, during which she comes off immature to people.

When she calls me, how can I tell her i really don't care about fb and that I don't want to hear about it (in a nice way,of course!)

- lfh1213 - 06-11-2014 12:45 PM

Perhaps you should start "Telling It Like It Is". Politely, of course:

"Mom, much as I'd like to chat with you about this, I have a deadline facing me. I must get to it. I'll call you when I find a few spare minutes."

Then, of course, you must call her back, but have a list of topics by the phone ready to begin and/or change the topic if needed.

Additionally, it might be wise to advise your mother that FB is a very dangerous place to post trash-talk. It's too available for people to see. Posting about your boss seems like a risk to your job, should he find out! She can block your boss's sister, or change her page if she wants rid of her. Or perhaps the sister should make her own page...?

- Julia35 - 06-11-2014 12:49 PM

I am dealing with the same problem with my 56 year old Aunt. I would think for you, it would be easy to tell your Mom this. Maybe, you can say this to her. Mom, have you been out of the house lately. If she says no why, then tell her maybe she should get out the house to take a break from the computer. It's sad when we have people call us daily; to ask if they seen their new pictures, new status on stupid facebook.

- anonymous - 06-11-2014 01:04 PM

listen w/ a deaf ear about facebook, like i do w/ my mom lol..uh huh ya...oh..ya.........she gets her fix and i get to keep doing what im doing lol