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I need some help with making a Facebook account that my parents can't find.? - Printable Version

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I need some help with making a Facebook account that my parents can't find.? - 926 - 06-11-2014 12:45 PM

If I make a new FB account, will my parents know?

I'm first going to block them; will they be notified?

I'm going to use pics of myself; will they be found by my parents when clicking on a pic of me on my old one?

I'm going to use a fake name.

Will my parents find out? I'm making this one just to talk to friends on the internet and do my own thing.

Please help Smile

- Monica - 06-11-2014 12:55 PM

No, they shouldn't be able to access anything to do with your profile including pictures if you block them, oh and they wont get notified of this either.

...and using a fake name means it will be unlikely that they will find you unless they are close with your friends and get suspicious of who they are taking too i guess...good luck haha Smile

- Infamous Krea - 06-11-2014 01:11 PM

blocking a person will not tell them, using pic of u well they will know, yes fake name for sure. make a fake name and set all you can find to friends only NOT friends of friends then you may only post pics of u on YOUR wall only hence it will be private.

- Nina - 06-11-2014 01:19 PM

you can block your parents they wont have acces to you page-it will say that your page doesn't exsist. or may have been removed. ang go on privacy settings and block them from seeing your page you can limit you info and things if you dont want your parnts to know. plz answer my q.s?

- abraXus - 06-11-2014 01:30 PM

the wont know, but facebook will, and since it's against the rules to have more than one account (which they can detect you doing anyways) they will eventually lock you out of your account

- john - 06-11-2014 01:32 PM

You just make your account with some special privacy setting that no one can find out you.
You make everything only me basis.