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Outdoor bird aviaries for under $500? - Printable Version

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Outdoor bird aviaries for under $500? - 874 - 06-11-2014 04:41 PM

I'd like it to be a walk-in aviary no smaller than 3ft in diameter. Any ideas?
The best things I could come up with is an item on craigslist (wingz aviary) and Advantek Portico Aviary online. The others that I've seen are either too small or too expensive. I wanted a walk-in aviary but I think this might make an aviary a lot more spendy.

- Melanie - 06-11-2014 04:46 PM

Try gumtree, they have a lot of good deals. Also look out for aviaries on the side of the road or older run down ones that no one wants. I got a large aviary for $50 and got a family member to help repair it. Ask on Facebook, there will be one somewhere. Good luck!