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What has happened to my website on google? - Printable Version

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What has happened to my website on google? - 690 - 06-11-2014 06:06 PM

I built my first micro niche site and I ran into a problem. I'll be quick.

I did me SEO research (6 mo worth) trying to figure out google and feel like i'm onto their scent like flies on a monkey. Well here's the problem..

Day 1 - registered my site

Day 4 - on page 5 of google

Day 5 - on page 2 (spot 1)

Day 7 - on page 1!!! (10th ranked for keyword)

Day 11 - its gone!!!

I didn't get banned, did change anything I was doing, kept the same momentum... what gives?!

my site is powerchordschart dot com

if anyone has any input it would be greatly appreciated...


- CoachCijaye - 06-11-2014 06:13 PM

First, I don't work for Google so I cannot profess to be an expert in what they do, however, I have spent many years doing SEO for people - with specific concentration and great results thereof on Google so I do believe that my insight can be valid.

Unless you are paying for links or doing anything unethical - you probably didn't do anything wrong.

Instead, here's what I think might have happened... it was a Google Algorithm change. It didn't just happen to you it happened to millions of websites. (Do a search on Google Panda or Fresh updates and see for yourself).

If this is what happened to you please don't give up or get disheartened. It's simply how things work and we have to accept that if we wish to stay in business online.

Besides...there are over 500 algorithm changes rolled out every single year by Google as they continue to strive for better results. Yes, it makes it very hard for us to CHASE top positions or expect to stay there when we get there. But it also keeps site owners and SEO's honest - so we have to appreciate that.

One thing I should tell you is if you did launch your site back in November, you might have been one of the lucky ones who got to the top because of the Google Fresh update. This update was focused on making FRESH and NEW content available to users - not just the same old same old. A lot of new websites experienced a quick rise at this time and you might have been one of them.

Then...with the next update....

Many of them, along with many of the previous TOP SPOTTERS did experience a decline thereafter too.

So long story short - you probably didn't do anything wrong. You just fell pray to a Google update (or two) like the rest of the world.

Going forward...

As long as you are working on providing good valuable content to your readers - you may very well climb back up from time to time and it will be nice when it happens. Chances are some of your solo posts are getting top positions even if your main home page isn't.

That said, it will be wise to always be mindful that staying up top is not something you nor anyone can guarantee so IF you do get there, my recommendation would be to appreciate it while it's happening but don't bank on it forever.

You certainly don't want to base your financial projections on the results you get from being up top either. This can run you into a lot of missed revenues. I've seen it happen many times.

Sorry I can't give you any better info - but it's how things work.

- David - 06-11-2014 06:20 PM

Nothing to worry, add fresh and new content in your website, Your website again get back his label in google