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what do I do. I'm bored? - Printable Version

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what do I do. I'm bored? - 133 - 06-11-2014 09:16 PM

Every day I feel like my life is on repeat mode. I wake up go on fb or ig and then in the afternoon somtiems ride my bike around and then come home watch tv eat and go to bed. I want to do somthing fun with action and live live the the fullest. I'm 15 year old teen

- Burtle - 06-11-2014 09:23 PM

Go bowling, go to a gym
me and my mom just started going to a gym and we're having a blast!!
Learn how to play an instrument

What i like to do is play games, like sims 3... sometimes i play cod with my man... It can be really fun trolling little kids online ha ha ha :-)

i also babysit.. its pretty fun taking care of my little cousins.. my favorite is brooklyn shes about 9 months and is so fun to play with. i love her to death! Plus i get paid so i can do as i please with my money.

If you're bored now just try getting on omegle lol!

- 908 - 06-11-2014 09:30 PM

If you're bored, its nobody's fault but your own. If you want your life to be more exciting and fulfilling, make it that way. Fun doesn't just come looking for you.
Join a club at school, start playing a new sport, find an author you like and read, take a fun class in the evenings, learn a craft.
There are also those things that you could do to help your family out also. Clean up the kitchen for your mom, do a load or two of laundry, wash the car, wash or walk the dog, or anything else would certainly be appreciated.
If you just continue to sit and whine, life is going to be exactly the same as it is now. Get moving and have some fun.

- So Tired - 06-11-2014 09:39 PM

- Make a new friend

- Learn an instrument

- Start a band

- Learn to ride a new thing (scooter, skateboard, etc.)

- Look for new tv shows, something you would never normally watch, just to see what you think of it.

- Find and listen to brand new music that you've never heard before. Find what you like and don't like.

- Begin to learn a new language or culture.

- Find someone on the internet from a very different country, and become their pen pal.

- Learn to play or try a new sport you've never done before.

- Go out bowling, or eat out at a restaurant.

- Read or buy a new book you've never heard of. Read it and see what you think of it.

- Go for a good old run.

- Find a new website you might like. Something different for a change.

- Start a blog, or a fanfiction, or a new website, etc.

- Find a fun place to go out at night.

- Go for a long evening walk (but remember to stay in a safe neighborhood, and bring someone the same age or older along as well for protection/help in case anything might happen).

- Get a job

- Join a club at school or somewhere in town.

- Help out around the house more.

- Think about life and the universe, even the little things like how you feel about going to a new place.

- Find a new place and visit it.

- Learn a new talent/skill.

- Emmy - 06-11-2014 09:52 PM

im 15 too and i feel the same. Tongue
- learn a new instrument
-save money and then go on a shopping spree
-bake/cook something
-try to make friends with people at public places
- go for a run with a friend
-have a goal to learn the lyrics to a certain amount of songs by a certain time
-have a movie marathon
-make a movie with friends
-write a story
this is so stupid but play facebook truth or dare. if you and a friend are in a really silly mood dare eachother to make really stupid statuses or message random people stupid things or like all of someones pictures. you could make a status like just tag someone in it and thats it or say a random word
go on pinterest

- Christopher - 06-11-2014 09:54 PM

Lmao sounds like me. Im always bored. Butttt all of everyone's answers are boring things to do that I'd never do. Except start a band. In like 10 years xD I guess I'm just a boring person until I'm free to do whatever. Smile

- sharjeel ahmad - 06-11-2014 10:07 PM

be practical my friend
One of the ways is to Start a blog and consume your free time
