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Is it bad for me to do this to my ex? - Printable Version

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Is it bad for me to do this to my ex? - Sarah - 06-11-2014 11:20 PM

So me and my ex was together for about 7 months before I broke up with him. He was a liar and a cheater. Like 6 days after we broke up he got a girl. Two months past by he texts me then re follows me on every social network and because I turned him down he then unfollowed me on everything again even deletes my number. I'm mad because I gave him everything! I was nothing but a good gf to him never cheated or anything and he knows that. Well his new girl everytime they break up she begs him for them to stay together, now realize she does know he has cheated on her with other girls. He never unfollows her on twitter but with me when we was together he ALWAYS unfollowed me. When we was together he gave me the password to his twitter account I don't think he remembers anymore. Anyways like I said I'm mad and I want to unfollow everyone on his account because of how he hurt me. Is that wrong?

- Callum - 06-11-2014 11:22 PM

Wow you are gonna unfollow everyone on his account ooohhh nnnoooo
He's not gonna give a shit about that

- Bram - 06-11-2014 11:30 PM

Yes, just leave him alone. You don't want to make things worse by starting a war. Do you?

- Billy - 06-11-2014 11:45 PM

It's normal for you to want revenge but isn't it a bit childish to unfollow him on twitter this is what is wrong with society today everyone's obsessed by social networking and technology you've just come out of a relationship and you want to "unfollow him" wow very mature and hacking into his account what type of person does that make you? Grow up and move on.

- lisa - 06-11-2014 11:55 PM

I dont know much about twitter.. but to just unfollow ppl?? I can think of a million other things to do if u want to mess w him.. change his password or name to something profound.. as childish as it may be... ? Its only natural to feel as if ud want revenge because he hurt u. Especially a cheater? . Even if it is GET EM GIRL!!!Serves his cheating/lying ass right!!!

- India - 06-11-2014 11:56 PM

Is he really worth it? I mean honestly who cares? If he did that to you the theres no point holding on that's just telling him that your jealous and you still want him so just move on.

- Brian-James - 06-12-2014 12:00 AM

Its childish n not worth it. U r better than that