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Is there a way for me to retrieve my Skype history? - Printable Version

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Is there a way for me to retrieve my Skype history? - Anna - 06-12-2014 02:08 AM

This will take a while to explain.
I joined Skype around May/June 2012, and am still on it today. During the summer of 2012 I talked to various people, and had conversations, and that period of my life was a very important one. These people I can't see in real life, the only way I could communicate with them was through Skype.
Things happened and I deleted a lot of them, and I can't remember almost all of their usernames. I have 2 people left from that summer on my Skype.
There are two computers in my house. There is one downstairs and there is this one, a laptop. During the summer of 2012 I used both, and if I go down and look at a particular contact (one I still have today) I can find conversations from 2012. Some of our conversations however were on this laptop. This goes for another person as well, who deleted me in November.
So there were convos on the comp downstairs, and convos on this laptop. Capiche?
There was a group conversation, though, and that's different. This group was called YLR. With group conversations, Skype gradually deletes them under the 'Show earlier messages' option.
In January 2013, my laptop basically broke itself. The problem was a Windows update. Me and my dad had to reinstall Windows and move a bunch of things to Dropbox. The most important things for me to keep hold of were Word documents (one of them including the book I referenced in another question) and I didn't even look at Skype, or the pictures that I had saved through YLR and others who I didn't talk to as much anymore.
So my Skype history was lost. This meant there was no YLR. This meant the summer might as well never have happened in terms of records from 2012. My contacts were still there, yeah. But anything I had ever said to them or them to me was lost.
Some of it is still on the downstairs computer. But not YLR. Because that was a group conversation, it was deleted by Skype after too long being inactive. I /leave 'd the conversation, if that changes anything.
YLR is not on this laptop. It is not on the computer downstairs. No conversations that I had on this laptop between June 2012 and January 2013 remained. There are gaps in the Skype history on the downstairs computer, because I was using my laptop.
I don't know what happened to make me lose all the Skype history. I don't want to believe that there is no way for me to access it all again, the conversations from 2012, whether it's on the downstairs computer or this one.
Is there any way for me to retrieve it?

- Dragon - 06-12-2014 02:12 AM

Ask the skype support people how to do this.

- Southpaw - 06-12-2014 02:26 AM

In The UK communications companies, and that will include Skype, which is now owned by Microsoft, are obliged to keep call records for a very long time, but only the address that was called and the address that called it but not the contents of the conversation;
If you did not record the conversation on some device that you can retrieve it from then it has probably gone forever.
Best of luck with it anyway, Bob.